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Lenon Peachlum Rough and Ready Productions


Über Lenon Peachlum Rough and Ready Productions

Rough and Ready Productions is a collaboration of internationally recognized artists and Performers intent on spreading the mission of Hip Hop, social awareness, fitness and youth outreach through music and dance. Providing many services to the international dance community, Rough and Ready is an influential force felt throughout the world of competitive dance, and professional facilities. Encompassing various facets of the industry, Rough and Ready utilizes over 20 years experience in the i ...

www.peachlum.com(Zur Zeit ist die Homepage nicht erreichbar)
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Lenon Peachlum Rough and Ready Productionsz. Hd. Herr Lenon PeachlumGoethestraße
58453 Witten
Deutschland • Nordrhein-Westfalen • Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis

Produkt- / Suchbegriffe:

Choreographer Instructor Trainer

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